
Who We Are

With our commitment to quality, service, and sustainability, Jiading Packaging is the partner you’ve always wished you had.

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  • Zhongxing Rd, Section 1, Lane 26, #16, Taichung City, Taiwan
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Jiading Packaging / Sustainability

Our Approach to Sustainability

We believe the most viable solution to plastic pollution is to REDUCE, REUSE, and RECYCLE. If the goal is to keep plastic out of the landfills and oceans, this is clearly the best way forward. Along these lines, we are proud to feature products made with GEX, a game-changing bio-calcium that makes going green easy, affordable, and sustainable.

The handsome jar on the left is made with 75% virgin PP and 25% GEX, giving you an immediate 25% reduction in plastic, and antibacterial properties to boot!

The even more handsome jar on the right is made with 75% recycled PP and 25% GEX, making one of the most eco-friendly plastic products on the market.

MANY of our products can come in these environmentally friendly versions, giving you ample opportunity to give your brand or your client’s brand a green image, as well as to get certified as a plastic and carbon reducer.

GEX: The Material (in an eggshell...)

GEX starts with marine calcium collected from shells. It is then incorporated into feed for poultry, and then through a patented process, is finally turned into bio-calcium resin from eggshells.

Whereas traditional, mined calcium carbonate is unsustainable and limited in its application, our bio-calcium can replace 30-50% of plastic, can be used with a wide range of plastics (including ocean-bound and recycled), and provides antibacterial properties. More, it is also much finer and softer than calcium carbonate, making it more versatile and much less abrasive on machinery.

Benefits of GEX

  • Can reduce plastic content 30-50%
  • Extremely compatible with PP, PE, HDPE, PET, EVA, PS, ABS, RUBBER, PVC, PLA
  • Certified antibacterial properties
  • Food safe and FDA certified
  • Priced similarly to traditional resin, and at a much more stable price than corn-based bio plastics
  • Certified by SGS, EU RoHS, and REACH to be eco-friendly in terms of plastic reduction and carbon reduction.

Unbeatable Solutions

Some companies need to reduce plastic to meet industry or government mandates, others want to give their company a green image, while others are devoted to environmental protection and seek out the most eco-friendly material available.

Whatever the reason, we can provide you or your clients with an easy and affordable way to meet these demands.

  • 75% virgin plastic + 25% GEX makes for an immediate 25% reduction in plastic your company can crow about.
  • 75% recycled plastic + 25% GEX gives you the most eco-friendly plastic products on the market

About Our Partner

Listen Green Technology is the patent holder for GEX, and they are leaders in eco-friendly materials solutions. Their material can be used in a great many applications:

  • Pharmaceutical and cosmetic packaging
  • Bottles, jars, and lids
  • Household items
  • Containers, carryout boxes, cutlery, straws
  • Plastic films, wraps, and bags
  • Antibacterial and anti-odor applications

In addition to GEX, they will soon be releasing an amazing new compound: Ocean bound PET + Recycled PET + Nano carbon enhancer. It will be the most eco-friendly product on the market, and Jia Ding Packaging will be working with them every step of the way. Stay tuned for these new products coming soon.


Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) is a ubiquitous additive to plastics. It can add strength to products and can allow us to more easily open plastic bags. Sometimes it is touted for being a plastic reducer or being eco-friendly, but this is simply not the case. in fact, there are many ways that GEX bio-calcium is the superior choice:

  • GEX is derived sustainably from bio inorganic substitute from eggshells and oyster shells. Mined CaCO3 is unsustainable and has a large carbon footprint.
  • Unlike mined calcium carbonate, GEX can work with a great many types of plastics, has greater bonds with the polymers, and is completely sustainable. 
  • Its particles are much smaller, allowing for greater bonds. It is also softer and will not damage machinery like calcium carbonate can.
  • Instead of simply being a filler for plastic products, our GEX can be considered a plastic replacement and plastic reducer (30-40%, compared to 5-15% for mined calcium carbonate)
  • GEX has been certified by SGS, EU RoHS, and REACH to be eco-friendly in terms of plastic reduction and carbon reduction. We are also certified along these lines as adhering to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
  • GEX has already been adopted by Dell, HTC, LG and other industry leaders.
  • Daeheung IBN, a pharma packager out of Korea, recently won an award and recognition from the UN for environmental protection simply by using our GEX in their pharmaceutical bottles